1 year


Showing 143 products


The main task of the games is the physical, aesthetic, and spiritual development of the child, aimed at strengthening them through appropriate movements and gestures. This book is for the youngest readers, with whom the mother speaks in a gentle...

95,00 Kč

Children will quickly fall asleep to their mother's gentle words, and she will dream of stars, flowers, animals, and joyful games that the new day will bring. This book will help to lull the child thanks to the combination of...

122,00 Kč
Funny sound book about the sounds around me

By flipping through the picture book, the child will get acquainted with the sounds that can be heard in the house, on the street, in the forest, and at the zoo. Funny situations, cute characters, and bright objects will engage...

272,00 Kč253,00 Kč
Development stickers for toddlers. Butterfly

On each page of the book, young readers will find a color sample, according to which they have to decorate with stickers the version of the picture presented next to it. Children need to repeat the pattern correctly. This will...

54,00 Kč
Chick Laugh (for a little palm)
Ірина Котляревська-Фесюк

Touching poems about brave heroes will win the hearts of readers. Simple stories, understandable even to the youngest readers, will convey lessons of friendship, mutual assistance, and teach kindness. Bright pictures, made in various styles, will engage even the most...

89,00 Kč
Відгадай-но. Кольори
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč103,00 Kč
Відгадай-но. Машинки
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč103,00 Kč
vidhadaj no nash sad
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč
Оксана Магочкіна

"Lullabies" are bedtime poems that will lead a child into the magical world of dreams. Lullabies have a meditative effect and will calm any little rascal before sleep, while the fairy-tale illustrations will replace the brightest cartoons. The main feature...

81,00 Kč76,00 Kč
Development stickers for toddlers. Train

On each page of the book, young readers will find a color sample, according to which they have to decorate with stickers the version of the picture presented next to it. Children need to repeat the pattern correctly. This will...

376,00 Kč48,00 Kč
vidhadaj no v seli
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč103,00 Kč
Відгадай-но. У лісі
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč103,00 Kč
Відгадай-но. Наш город
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč103,00 Kč
Наталі Мазур

Our great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers communicated with infants using short rhymes known as "zabavlanky." All customs that have survived the centuries carry extraordinary benefits, even if they are not immediately obvious. It is unwise to leave the treasures preserved for us...

340,00 Kč
I am at home.
Валентина Рожнів

The series of developmental play publications "Agusiki Learn to Speak" is designed for children who are just beginning to explore the world and pronounce their first words. It consists of six books: "Animals in the Forest", "By the River in...

171,00 Kč
The Magpie-Postman (for a little palm)
Володимир Верховень

Touching poems about brave heroes will win the hearts of readers. Simple stories, understandable even to the youngest readers, will convey lessons of friendship, mutual assistance, and teach kindness. Bright pictures, made in various styles, will engage even the most...

76,00 Kč
vidhadaj no v mori
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč
Animals in the forest
Валентина Рожнів

The series of developmental play publications "Agusiki Learn to Speak" is designed for children who are just beginning to explore the world and pronounce their first words. It consists of six books: "Animals in the Forest", "By the River in...

171,00 Kč
In the forest by the river
Валентина Рожнів

The series of developmental play publications "Agusiki Learn to Speak" is designed for children who are just beginning to explore the world and pronounce their first words. It consists of six books: "Animals in the Forest", "By the River in...

171,00 Kč
Forest shop (for a small palm) (out of print)
Володимир Верховень

Touching poems about brave heroes will win the hearts of readers. Simple stories, understandable even to the youngest readers, will convey lessons of friendship, mutual assistance, and teach kindness. Bright pictures, made in various styles, will engage even the most...

76,00 Kč
Snail (for a small palm)
Ірина Котлярська-Фесюк

Touching poems about brave heroes will win the hearts of readers. Simple stories, understandable even to the youngest readers, will convey lessons of friendship, mutual assistance, and teach kindness. Bright pictures, made in various styles, will engage even the most...

76,00 Kč
velyka knyha zabavlyanky 30 zabavlyanok
Ірина Сонечко

"The Big Book. Fun Activities" – a book that every little one from six months to three years old needs. This is because at this age, fun activities contribute to speech development, introduce the child to various animals and sounds,...

136,00 Kč
vidhadaj no moyi ihrashky
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč
vidhadaj no tropichni frukty
Ірина Сонечко

The "Guess What" series is created especially for the youngest. Each page of the book features a sturdy figure in the shape of a car, fruit, animal… Untie the string and you will get wonderful cards for word games and...

108,00 Kč

1 year

What can be done to ensure that a child grows up to be a true book lover, who in adulthood will be a highly educated and cultured person? Many people ask themselves such questions. Especially among those who belong to the Ukrainian diaspora abroad and wish for their children to love their native language, to respect and remember it. Indeed, it is very important to find a balance between respect for the state in which you live and not losing your own cultural characteristics. That is why books in the Ukrainian language are important in the library of any Ukrainian, regardless of where they live.

Children's books from the warehouse in Germany

Our online store has its own stock of books in Germany, so we have no problems ordering quality children's literature in Ukrainian. You can purchase books of various genres, taking into account the age group to which your child belongs. For example, this category of literature includes books for children aged 1 year. The selection is sufficient for caring parents to choose the literature that will truly help instill a love of reading in their child from the earliest years of life. If we return to the question we started with, the answer will be quite simple. For a child to love books when they grow up, they must be a part of their life from an early age. Only when literature is an integral part of a small person's life will they love reading in their teenage and adult years.

Advantages of our books

The modern book market offers books that can be used from the first months of a baby's life. Of course, for children under one year, it is necessary to choose books where bright images dominate over text and attract attention. Books for children under 1 year have one key task – to become a part of the baby's life.

You will find books that:

  • carry positive content-wise;
  • have a stylish and visually appealing design that is very liked by toddlers;
  • "offered by reliable publishers who carry out publishing activities in accordance with legislative norms, and therefore offer only quality products."

An additional advantage is the favorable prices and loyalty program for delivery. If you decide to purchase books for a total of 80 euros or more, the delivery will be at our expense, which will help you save even more.

Diversity of assortment – for you

Quality books for the youngest children are well represented with us. For example, there is "The Big Book. Fun Activities", "Guess What. Cars", "Kolobok", "Find and Show" and many other examples of literature aimed at giving the little one an understanding of the surrounding world. There are also albums for parents of sons and daughters, which are designed to capture important moments in the child's life. Thus, our assortment is diverse enough for you to choose the best books for your little one. Remember that the love of reading is instilled from childhood. And a good book is an indispensable helper in this.

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