12 years


Showing 550 products

A Dog Named Mani, or The Alphabet of Money
Бодо Шефер

Kira finds a wounded dog. It turns out that the dog can talk! He responds to the nickname Mani and knows everything about money. Very soon Kira, listening to Mani's advice, becomes a real financial expert herself and helps others...

280,00 Kč272,00 Kč
Mavka. Forest Song
Леся Українка

Original text by Lesya Ukrainka, without abbreviations or adaptations. Years pass, decades pass, but we return again and again to certain literary works... Today, as interest in our history and culture grows, we invite you to reread the fairy-tale drama...

680,00 Kč517,00 Kč
26-storey tree house
Енді Ґріффітс

Now Griffiths is a bestselling author of The New York Times. His books have sold over 10 million copies in 35 countries. Terry Denton is the illustrator of these books. He is known for his humorous and artistic style. His...

416,00 Kč
Children's world map

The poster is printed on thick coated paper.

116,00 Kč108,00 Kč
Джуді Муді навколо світу за 8 1/2 днів. Книга 7
Меґан МакДоналд

What to do if you have a new friend – interesting and cool, but your old friends are upset that you’ve completely forgotten about them? Will Judy manage? Will she reconcile with Rocky and Frank in time to prepare the...

203,00 Kč161,00 Kč
In the Land of Sunny Bunnies
Всеволод Нестайко

"Incredible adventures and magical transformations, mysterious disappearances and unexpected appearances, laughter, fun, tears, despair — all of this is whimsically intertwined in the sparkling and imaginative tales of Vsevolod Nestayko."For a wide range of readers.

225,00 Kč
Різдвозавр та Зимова Відьма

William miraculously finds himself in the future and learns that there is no Christmas – the favorite holiday of the boy and his dad. He cannot believe that the existence of Santa, elves, and magical reindeer is under threat because...

381,00 Kč
Cardboard Hint. Ukrainian Language. Rules. Grades 5-11

The hint card contains: basic rules, definitions and schemes of the Ukrainian language. She will become an indispensable assistant for students of grades 5-11 during lessons and at home.

81,00 Kč
39-storey tree house
Енді Ґріффітс

The continuation of the exciting adventures of two friends you already know, Andy and Terry, in their 39-story treehouse! Wow! "They invite children to jump on the highest trampoline in the world, roast marshmallows on an active volcano, swim in...

416,00 Kč
yiyi istoriya 50 zhinok ta divchat yaki zminyly svit 2
Йон Колфер

At the sound of his name, enemies tremble. And indeed, Artemis Fowl knows how to make an unforgettable impression. This young genius is distinguished by incredible sharpness of mind, instant reaction, and a complete lack of fear. To some, he...

280,00 Kč272,00 Kč
36 і 6 котів-компаньйонів
Галина Вдовиченко

"Lonely grandmothers and grandfathers living in a nursing home need helpers. And some of the large cat group need to learn to take care of others." The old man and 36 and 6 cats will meet. This acquaintance will lead...

381,00 Kč
[2] Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Large Illustrated Edition
Ролінґ Джоан

"On the wall between the two windows were inscribed letters thirty centimeters high, which flickered in the light of the torches:""THE SECRET ROOM IS OPENED. BEWARE, ENEMIES OF THE HEIR!"When the scrawny house-elf Dobby pops up on Privet Drive, urging...

1.219,00 Kč
Гравіті Фолз. Загублені легенди. Комікси
Алекс Хірш

Have you ever wondered where the creatures that inhabit Gravity Falls go when you’re not watching? How does it feel to get lost in the multiverse? What’s in those messages exchanged between Dipper and Pacifica? Now you will find out...

375,00 Kč
Тарас Шевченко

This colorful and elegant edition contains poems, excerpts from the poems, and the author's biography of the classic of Ukrainian literature Taras Shevchenko, recommended for study and reading in the primary grades of general education schools. The book is essential...

212,00 Kč
Неймовірні детективи. Частина 1. Таємничий голос за спиною
Всеволод Нестайко

Ordinary Kyiv schoolchildren never thought they would have to unravel mysterious crimes. But can one really stay away when incredible things are happening nearby? And even more so, when such creative police captains are involved in the investigations?.. The extremely...

307,00 Kč
nimecka mova 5 klas zoshyt z leksychnymy vpravamy
С.М. Корінь

The notebook contains lexical material on the topics provided by the foreign language program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as various and interesting tasks for practicing what has been learned. It is intended...

78,00 Kč62,00 Kč
The Childhood of Famous People
Петра Текслова

On the pages of the book "The Childhood of Famous People" are hidden 25 world-famous individuals: rulers, inventors and scientists, musicians, explorers, and many others. They tell the young reader about their childhood, but they do not reveal their names...

345,00 Kč293,00 Kč
Динозаври. Путівник

In this book, a world awaits you where dinosaurs reign, where the sounds of their crests echo daily and the oldest relatives of modern birds soar into the sky. Get to know the behavior and anatomy of these amazing creatures,...

381,00 Kč
Judy Moody Declares Independence. Book 6
Меґан МакДоналд

The sixth book about Judy Moody. It’s so outrageous when you have a ton of responsibilities and no freedoms! Every day you have to comb your hair, brush your teeth, make your bed, feed Mouse, and also be nice to...

203,00 Kč161,00 Kč
Judy Moody and the Royal Tea Party. Book 14
Меґан МакДоналд

Judy Moody is in a purple-royal mood! It turns out that Moody (that is, her brave ancestors) once lived in England. So, if we believe her grandfather's notes, Judy might even be related — royal fanfare, please — to the...

203,00 Kč161,00 Kč
Джуді Муді – детектив. Книга 9
Меґан МакДоналд

Meet Judy Moody, super sleuth! She specializes in finding lost animals, tracking down suspects, interviewing witnesses, cracking codes, and eating cookies! In this book, Judy Drudy, that is, Moody, the best mystery solver in the whole world, decides to seriously...

203,00 Kč161,00 Kč
Справу веде Енола Голмс. Справа Леді Алістер
Серена Бласко

Finding herself alone in London, Sherlock Holmes' younger sister Enola lives a secret life, has several disguises, and conducts independent investigations. Since her mother disappeared, the girl also leaves home, not wanting her brothers to find her. Once, disguised as...

280,00 Kč272,00 Kč
dzhudi mudi jde do koledzhu knyha 8
Меґан МакДоналд

The favorite teacher went on a business trip, and the substitute teacher introduced new rules. In math class, she hands out candies – to everyone except Judy Moody, so Judy needs to study extra with a student tutor. Will Judy...

203,00 Kč161,00 Kč
The School of Good and Evil. Book 1
Зоман Чейнані

"Four years have passed since the Director of the School of Good and Evil last kidnapped two children from Glenhaven to teach them at his school. Now he will come again in the form of a shadow to steal another...

367,00 Kč

12 years

What books to buy for a 12-year-old child

12 years is a very important age for a child's development. During this period, children transition from small fairy tales to scientific, fantasy, and detective books for teenagers. The task of parents is to make this leap as pleasant as possible. However, this process can become significantly more complicated if you live outside of Ukraine and Ukrainian children's literature is as precious as gold in your country.

Such problems are solved by the online store kazka.de. Our warehouses are located in Germany, and we ship our products all over the world. Spain, Sweden, France, England – regardless of your place of residence, you will receive native literature.

What a 12-year-old child will enjoy reading

12 years old is a complicated age. Children begin to rebel, seek independence, and dream of distant lands and breathtaking adventures. Girls and boys need new emotions. A good story can provide them. Young ladies and gentlemen start to be interested in books about teenage love, adventure novels, and intricate detective stories.

On the website kazka.de, there are various books in Ukrainian for 12-year-olds. Among the products, there is also applied literature. At this age, changes in the body occur that can scare a child. To avoid putting your daughter or son in an awkward position, you can purchase a textbook that will have answers to questions about puberty, emotional swings, and relationships between genders. In such a textbook, your child will find a well-formed answer to their question.

"For little smarties, it is worth purchasing encyclopedias that briefly and meaningfully explain how the world is constructed, tell about outstanding personalities, and reveal the secrets of nature."

In the virtual bookstore kazka.de, there are all kinds of books for teenagers: fantasy, comedies, detective stories, and melodramas. Even the most discerning reader will find a story for themselves.

What criteria to choose a book for a child online

Undoubtedly, the best gift is a book. It is extremely convenient to buy such things online. Our website has a wide variety of books for 12-year-old children. However, in order for the surprise to bring joy and not just gather dust on the shelf, it needs to be chosen according to certain rules:

  • Bright cover. It is from the cover that one gets acquainted with the story. The wrapper, like good advertising, can successfully praise the product. Modern books for teenagers are presented on the pages of our online store – these are publications from recent years, over the covers of which talented illustrators have worked. Such covers depict colorful main characters who captivate at first glance.
  • An interesting plot. After a successful visual introduction, it is important for the reader to be captivated by a brief description of the story. This can be found in the detailed product information. If the child likes the plot, you can confidently order the book.
  • Original design. Look at any list of top books for teenagers and you will understand that they all share one factor – interesting design inside. This can include illustrations, comic inserts, maps. Such books are very fun to read. If a book has illustrations, it is definitely noted in the product description.

Knowing what books are available for children and what girls and boys like at the age of 12, you will find it easy to decide on a purchase.

The country where the warehouse is located, where all our children's books are stored, is Germany. Accordingly, the delivery of goods in this territory takes place in the shortest possible time, - 2-7 working days. How long it takes for goods to be delivered to America or China depends on the work of the international logistics company.

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