15 years


Showing 211 products

artemis faul knyha 1
Йон Колфер

Artemis Fowl is a boy genius from Ireland who has dedicated his brilliant mind to criminal affairs. When Artemis learned that there is a civilization of mythical creatures underground, he immediately realized that a gold mine had opened up before...

271,00 Kč
Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга перша
Дід Свирид

The first volume of the book "The History of Ukraine from Grandfather Syvyrid" by the Ukrainian blogger known on the social network Facebook under the name "Syvyrid Opanasovych". The book is written in a style that is most closely related...

462,00 Kč380,00 Kč
Mysterious Island
Жуль Верн

The novel "The Mysterious Island" concludes a unique trilogy about Captain Nemo ("The Children of Captain Grant" and "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"). The main characters of the novel are five Americans who made a daring escape from captivity...

347,00 Kč334,00 Kč
Ольга Кобилянська

Olha Kobylianska's novella "Zemlia" (the writer referred to it as a short story), using contemporary terminology, can be considered a true psychological thriller.The basis of the work is an event that took place in 1894 in the village of Dymtsi...

375,00 Kč
Magical Creatures of Ukrainian Myth. Nature Spirits
Дара Корній

This book is magical. You will not just flip through its pages — you will wander the paths of the ancient forest, hear its breath, look into the eyes of the old forest keeper, and listen to the flute of...

543,00 Kč462,00 Kč
Magical Creatures of Ukrainian Myth. Household Spirits
Дара Корній

The book "Magical Creatures of Ukrainian Myth: Household Spirits" will take you into the amazing and unique world of Ukrainian beliefs. As you flip through its pages, you will learn about the respected domovyk, a reliable protector of the family,...

543,00 Kč462,00 Kč
Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга третя
Дід Свирид

The third book "Histories of Ukraine by Grandfather Syvyrid" covers the period from the Union of Krewo in 1385 to the Union of Brest in 1596. For Europe, it was an era of geopolitical upheavals that directly affected the Ukrainian...

462,00 Kč380,00 Kč
Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга друга
Дід Свирид

The second book "The History of Ukraine by Grandfather Syvyrid", written at the request of many thousands of readers of the famous Facebook blogger Syvyrid Opanasovych. The author's signature style is a strict adherence to historical truth, which, however, is...

462,00 Kč380,00 Kč
Cardboard Hint. Ukrainian Language. Rules. Grades 5-11

The hint card contains: basic rules, definitions and schemes of the Ukrainian language. She will become an indispensable assistant for students of grades 5-11 during lessons and at home.

81,00 Kč
yiyi istoriya 50 zhinok ta divchat yaki zminyly svit 2
Йон Колфер

At the sound of his name, enemies tremble. And indeed, Artemis Fowl knows how to make an unforgettable impression. This young genius is distinguished by incredible sharpness of mind, instant reaction, and a complete lack of fear. To some, he...

279,00 Kč271,00 Kč
[2] Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Large Illustrated Edition
Ролінґ Джоан

"On the wall between the two windows were inscribed letters thirty centimeters high, which flickered in the light of the torches:""THE SECRET ROOM IS OPENED. BEWARE, ENEMIES OF THE HEIR!"When the scrawny house-elf Dobby pops up on Privet Drive, urging...

1.218,00 Kč
Magical Creatures of Ukrainian Myth. Mischievous Spirits
Дара Корній

About the book Minor pests, childhood fears, diseases in the form of living beings — Dara Korniy has collected stories about the ancient beliefs of Ukrainians in spirits that cause mischief and bring troubles every day. You will learn what...

543,00 Kč462,00 Kč
The School of Good and Evil. Book 1
Зоман Чейнані

"Four years have passed since the Director of the School of Good and Evil last kidnapped two children from Glenhaven to teach them at his school. Now he will come again in the form of a shadow to steal another...

366,00 Kč
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Volume II
Артур Конан Дойль

After the appearance in the late 1880s – early 1890s of the works of Arthur Conan Doyle about the famous private detective Sherlock Holmes (the novella "A Study in Scarlet," "The Sign of the Four," and the collection of stories...

307,00 Kč
Grammar of the German Language in Tables and Diagrams
108,00 Kč
[3] Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Large Illustrated Edition
Ролінґ Джоан

"The long-awaited illustrated edition of the third book in the classic series by J.K. Rowling, dreamed of by Potter fans, is filled with fireworks of magical wonders, conjured up with the help of paints, pencils, and pixels by medalist Kate...

1.313,00 Kč
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Ролінґ Джоан

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" is a script of a play based on a story by J.K. Rowling, co-written with John Tiffany and Jack Thorne, which has been running with incredible success at the Palace Theatre in London since...

443,00 Kč415,00 Kč
Gate of Europe. The history of Ukraine from the Scythian wars to independence

The author of the book, Serhii Plokhiy, is a professor at Harvard University, one of the world's leading specialists in the history of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. For the book "The Gate of Europe" he received the Taras Shevchenko National...

489,00 Kč
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Артур Конан Дойль

Detective works by the famous English writer Arthur Conan Doyle have captivated readers of all ages for almost a century. The novella "The Hound of the Baskervilles" tells the story of how the unparalleled Sherlock Holmes, together with his loyal...

81,00 Kč
Robinson Crusoe
Даніель Дефо

The classic work of Daniel Defoe in an adaptive retelling by Margaret Elphinstone.

225,00 Kč
The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain
Жуль Верн

"The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain" is a novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in 1878. The plot of the novel begins with almost the entire crew of the whaling brig "Pilgrim" perishing in a confrontation with a whale. After...

271,00 Kč
Звіродухи. Полювання. Книга 2
Меггі Стівотер

A great darkness is approaching. The invaders, chosen by Zerif, have created their version of nectar — Viscera, which establishes a forced connection with the beast spirit. The Devourer is searching for talismans to conquer the world and achieve victory...

271,00 Kč225,00 Kč
Without a lighthouse about the first menstruation
Юлія Ярмоленко

"Menstruation is normal! It's a natural process that has nothing terrible, magical, or extraordinary about it. Of course, if you know what to expect and how to ensure that your first period goes by without unpleasant surprises."  How to understand...

402,00 Kč
Martin Borulya. The Master. One Hundred Thousand: Comedies
Іван Карпенко-Карий

This book includes selected works of the outstanding Ukrainian playwright Ivan Karpenko-Karyi — the comedies "Martin Borulya", "The Host" and "One Hundred Thousand". They reflect the intensification of class contradictions, the life of the rural bourgeoisie and Cossacks in Ukraine...

258,00 Kč

15 years

What should a 15-year-old teenager read

"If a child does not read at the age of 15, it means they have not yet come across truly good books. Instilling a love for reading in a young person is very important. Books for teenagers are a kind of key to understanding the world. They provide answers to the questions that concern the child, teach communication, and cultivate moral principles."

What books should be in a teenager's library

So, as mentioned above, a good book can be a remedy for many teenage "ailments." And fifteen-year-old boys and girls have many such "ailments." Here are a few types of books that should be in a child's room:

  • Love stories. Novels for teenagers will help cope with all the romantic twists and turns. On their pages, a child will find themselves, understanding that the feelings and emotions they are currently experiencing are normal. The main characters can serve as good examples of how to act and what to avoid in various romantic situations. Thus, books about love for 15-year-olds quite successfully replace a psychologist.
  • Knowing your roots. One of the main life tasks of parents is to instill in their child a love for their country. If you live outside your homeland, where your family is surrounded by foreign values and traditions, children's books in Ukrainian are very conveniently available for purchase in our online bookstore. Stories of the lives of outstanding compatriots, an excursion into the Cossack era, masterpieces of writing geniuses – all of this nourishes the Ukrainian spirit and strengthens the roots.
  • Education. It is one thing to be born in a foreign country and absorb the language and culture from a young age, and quite another to move to another state as a teenager. To keep up with peers, it will be necessary to additionally buy educational books for children.
  • Elementary psychology. Adolescence is a complex period. Teenagers often have questions about their relationships with parents and friends, about their place in this world, and about changes in their own bodies. Special books for teenagers can provide answers to all of this (the psychology in them is simple, and the text is written in an accessible language).
  • Entertainment literature. Dramas, fantasy, adventure novels, science fiction – there are plenty of good and interesting books for teenagers. When choosing such stories, consider the child's tastes. It is worth noting that the reader will feel more sympathy for the characters if they are of the same age. Active boys and girls often lack stories with a smooth development of events. Conversely, homebodies enjoy emotional plots. Both can be offered by teenage detective books.

Having such textbooks at hand, the child will grow up to be a healthy and well-rounded individual.

Why you should order books on our website

The website kazka.de is one of the few online stores that sells Ukrainian books for teenagers in Germany. We also ship products worldwide: America, Japan, Korea, Australia – orders will be delivered to any continent. All textbooks are stored in our warehouse, and the package is formed on the day the order is received.

Among the advantages that our bookstore can boast are the following:

  • Nice prices.
  • Large assortment.
  • Convenient navigation.
  • Discounts and promotions.
  • Loyalty program for wholesale customers.
  • "We purchase goods only from responsible manufacturers, which means that the books will have quality printing and strong binding."

"On our virtual shelves, you will find both books for toddlers, books for children aged 15, and adult literature."

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